Saturday, October 11, 2008

Painted Skin

Recently I saw the poster of the movie "Painted Skin" or "画皮 in Chinese in the newspaper. Interesting title, I wonder the movie will be as interesting as the title or not. I want to watch the movie !!! It is a story based on the famous ancient Chinese folklore, the fox spirit. I read about it when I was in primary school and it is fun to read.
In English, it called "Fox Spirit"
In Japanese, it called "Kitsune"
In Chinese, it called "狐狸精" and it is very famous word nowadays. ( You know, I know, Everyone know)

This is what I think about when I saw the title, a woman with lots of fox spirit behind her.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hari Raya Puasa

Hari Raya is near now......and there goes the traffic jam too... When I first think about Raya, first come in my mind is KETUPAT. They are hanging everywhere. will see boys wearing songkoks and their baju Melayu, playing bunga api. Malays can play bunga api everywhere but for us Chinese cannot play fireworks, pasti kena saman. This is a bit not fair lo because even our Chinese New Year, Those Malays "tumpang" to play bunga api. *Sweats*

Because Raya is fall in October, it is raining season. Some low area will be flooded. Good news to kids cause they have fun. Mostly they go swimming and catch fish during the flood.

Ok, enough for Raya thing.

Yesterday is our Prom Night day, many of us absent from class to get ready for the grand night. Why it need to take a day to prepare ?
1. Do hairstyling, choosing the most beautiful hair style.
2. Pick the most elegant dress.
3. Do facial, of cause !
4. Do makeup.
5. Pick the most suitable accessories.

This 5 things sure really take you a day to do. ( and also your money go bye bye )

Cheers for prom night...... (When I finish drawing this my friend said she looks like pregnant, lol.....)

Last thing, a doggy picture for myself. Love this so much.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Moon cake festival

Wish everyone....

Give you a moon bunny. Any moon cakes for me ? I want lotus plus double egg yolk one.
My Chinese writings really sucks....

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Love Song

虽然还在考final,偷偷写blog一下.这首歌是"不小心"在youtube找到的,蛮好听d.不错,不错,方大同的歌一向来都很好听的.最近他最新的歌,"爱,爱,爱"很low key,很难唱.很少男歌手可以唱到这样low,搞不好变成娘娘腔,chan lo !

Love Song
作曲:方大同 填詞:方大同 編曲:方大同

我寫了這首歌 是一首簡單的
這不是那種 只剩下那鋼琴的歌
也不是那種 不能只是朋友的歌
這不是那種 兩個人的故事寫在一本小說
Love Song 一直想寫一首
Love Song 你給了我一首
Love Song 那DJ會播放
Love Song 一直想寫一首
Love Song 你給了我一首
吹過我的面孔 情翔飛
在我心底 你就是我第一 想說愛你

我寫了這首歌 是一首簡單的
這不是那種 童話裏會遇見的歌
也不是那種 真真切切愛我的歌
這不是那種 兩個人的故事寫在一本小說
Love Song 一直想寫一首
Love Song 你給了我一首
Love Song 那DJ會播放
Love Song 一直想寫一首
Love Song 你給了我一首
吹過我的面孔 情翔飛
在我心底 你就是我第一 想說愛你

有何貴人前來有錢花 個個向你求嫁
梵高他說 你們都該回家
又或者你是Melody 就是最動聽
就算在夜晚 你的星太亮
Love Song 你給了我一首
Love Song 那DJ會播放
Love Song 一直想寫一首
Love Song 你給了我一首
Love 你就像那夏天的涼風
吹過我的… 情翔飛
在我心底 你就是我第一

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Birds Birds Birds

Suddenly so crazy about birds these few days.

The first one always the most beautiful one.

Then along come the not so beautiful one.

Without any background

After that, I noticed that why my birds all same in color , red and green. Crap !

Then finally no more green or red birdy anymore............

Friday, August 1, 2008


今天只谈Coffee, 因为本人最近很喜欢喝咖啡(因为下个星期就是Final exam了)



世界上第一株咖啡树是在非洲之角发现的。当地土著部落经常把咖啡的果实磨碎,再把它与动物脂肪掺在一起揉捏,做成许多球状的丸子。这些土著部落的人将这些咖啡丸子当成珍贵的食物,专供那些即将出征的战士享用。 当时,人们不了解咖啡食用者表现出亢奋是怎么一回事——他们不知道这是由咖啡的刺激性引起的,相反,人们把这当成是咖啡食用者所表现出来的宗教狂热。觉得这种饮料非常神秘,它成了牧师和医生的专用品。流传至今,反映咖啡发现过程主要有两个故事。 一个故事说,一位放羊的牧民注意到这样一个现象:他的羊群在食用了野生咖啡树上的果实之后变得格外亢奋。出于好奇,他也尝了尝咖啡果。一尝之后,由于咖啡豆的作用,他也像那些乱撞乱跳的山羊一样,开始手舞足蹈起来。发生在牧民身上的这一幕,恰恰被一群僧侣撞个正着。于是,每当有必要在夜间举行宗教仪式时,这些僧侣都用咖啡豆煮成汤水喝下,用这种方法来使自己保持清醒。 还有一个故事是这样说的:一个穆斯林托钵僧被他的敌人赶入沙漠。在精神错乱的状态下,他听到声音,提示他采食身边的咖啡果。他把咖啡果放在水里,想把它们泡软,由于咖啡果过于坚硬,他没有成功。不得已,他只好将浸泡咖啡豆的水喝了下去。最后,这个托钵僧就靠这种手段存活下来。当这个托钵僧走出沙漠之后,他觉得自己能够幸存,并且自己身上之所以能够获得神奇的能量,全都是真主安拉相助的结果。于是,他就不停地向别人讲述这个故事,并且把这种配制饮料的方法介绍给了别人。


a,醇度(body)   指咖啡入口后的那种厚重感、浓稠的质感。   

b,酸度(acidity) 这种酸与我们日常食用水果的那种酸味不同,是用以形容咖啡那种明亮、清新、爽朗的特有味觉感受,一些著名的阿拉比卡咖啡豆正是以明快的“酸”的特质赢得咖啡爱好者的喜爱的。   

c,苦味(bitter)   苦味是咖啡的最明显的特征之一。影响苦味程度的因素主要有:品种(罗巴斯特种比阿拉比卡种要更苦);产地(某些产地出品的咖啡苦味较强烈,如印尼的苏门答腊、爪哇等);烘焙程度(较深烘焙的比较浅烘焙的要苦);咖啡因含量(咖啡因含量越高就会越苦);萃取时间(萃取时间越长就会越苦) 。   

d,甘度(sweet)   回味甘甜是一些好咖啡的特质,通常来说没什么人喜欢“苦”,但回味中的“甘”和“酸”却是很多人所追求的。   

e,香度(aroma)   使指咖啡冲泡后所显现出来的最明显的特征,包括:焦糖味、果香味、花香味、草香味等。   

f,风味(flavor)   指香度、甘度、醇度的整体感受。   

g,酒味(winy)   某些产地的咖啡有类似葡萄酒的味道,实质上是酸味和高醇度相结合的一种感受,口感极佳.  









爱尔兰咖啡是一种既像酒又像咖啡的咖啡,原料是爱尔兰威士忌加咖啡豆,特殊的咖啡杯,特殊的煮法,认真而执着,古老而简朴。其爱尔兰咖啡杯是一种方便于烤杯的耐热杯。烤杯的方法可以去除烈酒中的酒精,让酒香与咖啡更能够直接的调和。 爱尔兰人最了解威士忌拥有一股独特而浓烈的薰香和淡淡甜味,威士忌调成的爱尔兰咖啡,更能将咖啡的酸甜味道衬托出来。








瑞琪蒙的名气源自英文Rich man,译为"高贵绅士"。此款咖啡口感细腻,喝起来柔和而且香甜,有咖啡原始的微酸微苦,有伴有奶茶的细腻可口,加上名字的完美浪漫,是一款十分流行又年轻人喜欢的花式咖啡。制作该款咖啡较为简单,需要一个古典石头杯,120ml的热伯爵奶茶和120ml的现磨热咖啡,将两者混合便可











That's all for today, now my page is overflown with coffee.......................

All information are from wikipedia (Chinese version) and other internet sources.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Art for People

最近很忙, 一直在考试, 赶assignment, 又要study. 所以没时间lo ! 这几天,朋友叫我帮他们做东西, 更忙 !

帮朋友design店的banner.他们做business management的assignment,做理发店的,所以要high class 跟elegant的. (他们选红的,但我个人比较喜欢灰的)

帮Alex design word banner.他正在做hacking system programme, 所以要有不同style的字( 感觉像在做T-shirt design). 结果他选最后一个. Hmm....

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nodame Cantabile

Watch this anime cartoon called "Nodame Cantabile". Quite interesting and special because it circles around music. You can know about music and its' appreciation. You also come across with great musicians like Beethoven and Mozart too.

The Characters :

The Pianist. Very cute girl with high talented in piano. She just listen to the music once and she could play out the hold music.

The Conductor. He know all kinds of great musicians and hopes to become the greatest conductor in Japan. He has two majors before, piano and violin. So he knows how to play piano and violin very well and he could teach the two of them and he is very strict to them too.

And the violist. He turns the opera into rock and roll music. And he always been "katok" by the conductor.

They made up a great music band. Very funny !

Oh, I almost forget to post this art . This is for the marketing advertisement and is not been used.

Everbody loves biscuits !!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Presentation !!!

Busy with my presentation for Marketing, quite nervous to present in front of so many people. I sure stucked with my Manglish during present !
Here is the idea:

We think about a product that is suitable for the market. Then after some discussion and quarreling, we finally suggest to use biscuit as our product.

Our product:

That's all about our product brief. Hope the lecturer will like it and give us high marks . I will try my best for the presentation.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Kung fu Panda

跟朋友,阿娴看了这部 Kung Fu Panda.从头笑到尾,很好看.很想再看第二次.阿Po最cute了.超喜欢它的!

Fan art of Pao, with base color, no shading

Original version

Friday, July 4, 2008

Keep bleeding

听了这一首歌,Leona Lewis的 "Bleeding Love".很不错的歌,也很伤感一下.当你注意歌词部分你就会知道了.就连我的college的friend friend也都在唱le !蛮popular的流行歌.

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

New place new things

Just try a better place to write a blog. What else can I say ? Grass is greener in here compare with LJ. Life is blue...........

Life is like a swimming turtle, slow and steady.